Wednesday, April 8, 2015

MIDI Week Singles: "The Penitent" - Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

"The Penitent" from Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem on the Nintendo Gamecube (2002).
Record Label: Nintendo Power
Game Developer: Silicon Knights

I love the music in this game, not to mention the game itself, but when this song came up, I thought, "Yeah, this song contains pretty much all of the elements of Eternal Darkness."  "The Penitent" taken from Brother Luther's stage in Oublié Cathedral during the time of the Spanish Inquisition.  There's the rain sound effect, the monk chanting, the quintessential Eternal Darkness "doom-boom" drum beat and ambient drones going on throughout the song.  It even has a scare chord.  It's great!

I feel that this is one of those songs that makes you a bit wary at the start, lulls you into a sense of mild foreboding, but that you'll make it out okay, then Pious Agustus chimes in with his dialogue from the game, then horriblescreachingscreamingnoisechord comes in and finally the drones come back and the song ends nearly two minutes later after you have begun to question your own sanity.

I personally love it when a single song is able to capture the essence of an entire game.


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